Everything about the increased fare charge
Here you can pay your increased fare charge securely and quickly.
The portal offers the possibility to belatedly present a personalised ticket and to contact us if you have any further requests on the topic.
Here you can find out which tickets are accepted for belated presentation.
To pay or contact us, please log in using the thirteen-digit number on the document you received from the ticket inspector ("Feststellungsbeleg").

Questions and answers about your increased fare charge
I have received an increased fare charge. How can I pay this?
The following payment methods are available on this portal:
- Instant transfer
To pay in the portal, log in here with the number on the ticket inspector's handout ("Feststellungsbeleg").
You can also pay the total amount of the increased fare charge in cash or by card at any S-Bahn Berlin customer centre and at the Berlin DB Service Stores while presenting the document you received during inspection ("Feststellungsbeleg").
Alternatively, you can also make a classic bank transfer. Please make sure you enter the correct IBAN and reference number:
Riverty Services GmbH, 33401 Verl
IBAN: DE36660100750025403755
Reference number: Please be sure to state the complete number (13 digits, starting with 52, 53 or 54)
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow will initiate the collection process, which will entail additional costs.
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at .
What can I do if I can't remember the number of the increased fare charge or have lost it?
If you do not have the reference number of the increased fare charge, please contact our staff at Ostbahnhof with the following information or contact us:
- Date and time on the ticket inspector's handout
- Line (S-Bahn)
- Family name, first name
- Address
- Date of birth
What can I do if I can't remember the number of the increased fare charge or have lost it?
Generally, tickets with a direct personal reference can be submitted within 7 days after the inspection, so that the increased fare charge is reduced to €7, depending on the case. This means: the name of the person checked must appear on the ticket.
You are welcome to submit a scan of the requested documents here for final verification (picture/scan of the ticket and, if applicable, customer card/proof of entitlement).
If you have lost your personal ticket and need more time to provide proof, please use the option of an extension of the deadline.
The following tickets are accepted for belated presentation:
- Subscriptions (personal ones always, transferable ones only once a year for the subscriber)
- Berlin Ticket S (not valid if no number was entered at the time of inspection)
- Semester tickets (with positive validation)
- Severely disabled person's identity card with supplementary sheet and valid token
- Pupil and trainee tickets
- Mobile, online and print tickets with the corresponding name
Transferable tickets, such as single-trip tickets, 24-hour tickets, day passes or eco-friendly tickets ("VBB-Umweltkarten"), are excluded from the reduction of the increased fare charge.
Alternatively, the documents (ticket inspector's handout, ticket, if applicable customer card/proof of entitlement) can be presented personally at the increased fare charge customer office ("EBE-Kundenbüro") or customer centre at Ostbahnhof (main hall on the ground floor or on the gallery). Please note that reductions of the increased fare charge cannot be checked and processed at the customer office at Ostbahnhof until 2 p.m. on the next working day after the ticket inspection.
Subscription customers of the S-Bahn Berlin can also present their ticket at any other customer centre of the S-Bahn Berlin within the above-mentioned time limit.
Please understand that, in certain cases, we might still require you to present the original ticket at our customer office.
What happens if I miss the payment deadline?
If the payment deadline is not met, the collection process will be initiated by Riverty Back in Flow. This company will send out reminders, which will cause costs. As a precaution, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that any additional costs incurred will be borne by you. From this point on, S-Bahn Berlin can no longer regulate the process.
Please check again in the portal whether you still have the option to pay. If this is no longer the case, please contact Riverty Back in Flow immediately. The sooner you get in touch, the lower the follow-up costs!
During the check, a technical defect was detected in my subscription chip card. What are my next steps?
During a control, your VBB-fahrCard (chip card) was not readable, which meant that the validity could not be checked on the spot. Therefore it is necessary to prove the validity of your VBB-fahrCard within seven days after receipt of the ticket inspector's handout. If you cannot meet the 7-day deadline, please arrange an extension of the deadline. As a precaution, we have to point out that €60 will be due in case of non-observance or expiry of the deadline.
To prove the validity of your VBB-fahrCard, please proceed as follows:
- Present your unreadable VBB-fahrCard to the transport company with which you have concluded your subscription contract. Holders of personal VBB-fahrCards (with printed photo) please additionally submit a new passport photo. If a valid subscription contract exists, you will receive a new VBB-fahrCard and a confirmation of your subscription. Your contracting transport company will be happy to answer any further questions regarding the procedure and contact details.
- Afterwards, please upload a photo or scan of the new VBB-fahrCard as well as the confirmation of the contracting transport company here for final verification. Alternatively, you can present the documents in person at the increased fare charge customer office or customer centre at Ostbahnhof. As soon as we receive the new VBB-fahrCard with the confirmation of your subscription in due time, this process for the increased fare charge is completed for you. If the technical defect is due to an error on the part of the transport company, no costs will be charged.
- Subscription customers of the S-Bahn Berlin have the option to complete the entire process (checking the card, reissuing it if necessary and waiving the increased fare charge) at the customer centre at Ostbahnhof (main hall on the ground floor). We also offer you the option to call the S-Bahn's customer dialogue for clarification.
If you were not in possession of a valid subscription ticket at the time of the ticket inspection or if the deadline for proving your VBB-fahrCard has passed, please pay the €60, quoting the transaction number, within 14 days of the inspection date. Further information on payment options can be found here.
If you fail to pay the €60 by the deadline, Riverty Back in Flow may initiate debt collection proceedings against you. You will then have to bear the costs incurred.
Where can I go if I have a request or an objection about my increased fare charge?
In this case, you are in the right place. Use the online option to tell us about your request.
We will process the request as soon as possible. If you contact us after the 14-day deadline, your request will be answered directly by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow.
Our individual decisions are based on the tariff of the public-transport authority for Berlin and Brandenburg (VBB).
You can also come in person. To do so, visit our service points at Ostbahnhof (service counter in the S-Bahn customer centre and the customer office for increased fare charges). Our direct customer service staff also base their decisions on the VBB tariff system.
You can also still contact us by post or fax:
S-Bahn Berlin GmbH/EBE
Postfach 2253
76492 Baden-Baden
Fax: +49 (0) 30 297-37155
I forgot to enter the number of my berlinpass on my Berlin Ticket S - can the transaction still be reduced to €7?
Unfortunately, the VBB tariff is clear on this: to prevent the use of a ticket by more than one person, the ticket must be personalised before the journey begins. Unfortunately, we cannot make any reduction. Consequently, you have to pay the full €60.
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, additional costs will be claimed by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow.
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at Ostbahnhof.
I accidentally travelled to the C-area with an AB-ticket - is there anything I can do?
Unfortunately, in this case the VBB tariff is clear: a spatially invalid ticket remains invalid, even if you have not travelled into the C-area in bad faith or if you done so unknowingly. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a reduction. Consequently, you will have to pay the full €60.
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, additional costs will be claimed by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow.
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at Ostbahnhof.
I buy my monthly ticket every month from the machine or at the counter - can I hand it in later?
Unfortunately, according to the VBB tariff, non-personalised monthly tickets are excluded from belated presentation. We therefore advise you to buy a subscription ticket - it is not only cheaper, but also protects you from having to pay the full increased fare charge if you should ever forget your wallet at home.
Unfortunately, we cannot make any reduction here. You will therefore have to pay the full €60.
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, additional costs will be claimed by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at Ostbahnhof.
During a ticket inspection, it was discovered that I did not have a valid ticket - am I now at risk of civil or criminal consequences?
We can reassure you - if you have been found once without a valid ticket, this will only result in €60 being claimed, which we are entitled to under civil law.
In general, however, the following applies: anyone who uses local public transport without a valid ticket is liable to prosecution for obtaining benefits by deception under § 265a of the German Criminal Code (possible penalty: fine or imprisonment for up to one year). Criminal charges are regularly linked to a criminal complaint by the transport company, which we make use of in certain cases. These include, for example, the manipulation or forgery of tickets as well as repeated train rides without a valid ticket.
Questions and answers on revenue protection
Why does the S-Bahn Berlin practise revenue protection in the form of ticket inspections?
The S-Bahn Berlin has been commissioned by the VBB, the public-transport authority for Berlin and Brandenburg, to practise revenue protection. The basis for the commissioning is the tariff of the VBB, which the S-Bahn Berlin has included in its conditions of carriage. The tariff is a clear set of rules to which every person entering an S-Bahn must adhere.
The ticket inspections serve to protect our honest passengers. This is because a lack of revenue from passengers without a valid ticket leads to an increase in fares for all honest passengers. This is to be prevented by ticket inspections.
Why does the S-Bahn Berlin work with Riverty Back in Flow?
The S-Bahn Berlin can do one thing above all else: transport people from A to B. Collecting outstanding debts, on the other hand, is not its core business. That's why it has found a good and experienced partner. Riverty Back in Flow stands for fair solutions when things get financially complicated. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact Riverty Back in Flow immediately in the event of debt collection proceedings.
How do S-Bahn Berlin, Riverty Back in Flow and IFA work together?
The S-Bahn works with Riverty Back in Flow as an experienced payment service provider. If the increased fare charge has not been paid by the payment deadline indicated on the ticket inspector's handout, Riverty Back in Flow will accompany the settlement of the outstanding claim.
Riverty Back in Flow makes it as easy as possible for you to settle the outstanding claim - with the aim of finding a quick, simple and suitable solution for all parties involved.
Why does the IFA now appear on my debt collection letters?
Don't be surprised, the IFA is of no further relevance to you. The IFA (financial service provider for debt purchase & factoring) is just the owner of the outstanding debt. Your contact is Riverty Back in Flow, as an expert for consumer-oriented and fair debt collection.
Important information for our passengers
Increased fare charge on the road now only payable by card
Customers who are unable to present a valid ticket or any ticket at all during ticket inspections have the option of paying the increased fare charge of €60 on the train or on the platform only by Girocard (which used to be called EC card informally) or credit card.
Beware of fake inspectors!
From time to time, criminals try to pass themselves off as ticket inspectors. If you are not sure, ask to see proof of identity. Ticket inspectors must always be able to identify themselves as such. Fake ticket inspectors usually ask passengers without a valid ticket to pay the increased fare charge in cash. Do not do this!
Ticket inspectors working on behalf of the S-Bahn Berlin never ask for cash. The increased fare charge of 60 euros can only be paid by Girocard (which used to be called EC card informally) or credit card.
Discretionary decisions by ticket inspectors
The ticket inspectors do not make any decisions as to whether a passenger has intentionally or mistakenly travelled without a valid ticket, nor are they authorised to do so. Their job is exclusively to check tickets and their validity and to identify passengers who do not have a valid ticket. The VBB tariff serves as the basis for this determination.
The ticket inspectors cannot and must not make statements about possible reductions of the increased fare charge. This requires detailed examination and is only possible for the S-Bahn Berlin staff.
Questions and answers about your increased fare charge
I have received an increased fare charge. How can I pay this?
The following payment methods are available on this portal:
- Instant transfer
To pay in the portal, log in here with the number on the ticket inspector's handout ("Feststellungsbeleg").
You can also pay the total amount of the increased fare charge in cash or by card at any S-Bahn Berlin customer centre and at the Berlin DB Service Stores while presenting the document you received during inspection ("Feststellungsbeleg").
Alternatively, you can also make a classic bank transfer. Please make sure you enter the correct IBAN and reference number:
Riverty Services GmbH, 33401 Verl
IBAN: DE36660100750025403755
Reference number: Please be sure to state the complete number (13 digits, starting with 52, 53 or 54)
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow will initiate the collection process, which will entail additional costs.
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at .
What can I do if I can't remember the number of the increased fare charge or have lost it?
If you do not have the reference number of the increased fare charge, please contact our staff at Ostbahnhof with the following information or contact us:
- Date and time on the ticket inspector's handout
- Line (S-Bahn)
- Family name, first name
- Address
- Date of birth
What can I do if I can't remember the number of the increased fare charge or have lost it?
Generally, tickets with a direct personal reference can be submitted within 7 days after the inspection, so that the increased fare charge is reduced to €7, depending on the case. This means: the name of the person checked must appear on the ticket.
You are welcome to submit a scan of the requested documents here for final verification (picture/scan of the ticket and, if applicable, customer card/proof of entitlement).
If you have lost your personal ticket and need more time to provide proof, please use the option of an extension of the deadline.
The following tickets are accepted for belated presentation:
- Subscriptions (personal ones always, transferable ones only once a year for the subscriber)
- Berlin Ticket S (not valid if no number was entered at the time of inspection)
- Semester tickets (with positive validation)
- Severely disabled person's identity card with supplementary sheet and valid token
- Pupil and trainee tickets
- Mobile, online and print tickets with the corresponding name
Transferable tickets, such as single-trip tickets, 24-hour tickets, day passes or eco-friendly tickets ("VBB-Umweltkarten"), are excluded from the reduction of the increased fare charge.
Alternatively, the documents (ticket inspector's handout, ticket, if applicable customer card/proof of entitlement) can be presented personally at the increased fare charge customer office ("EBE-Kundenbüro") or customer centre at Ostbahnhof (main hall on the ground floor or on the gallery). Please note that reductions of the increased fare charge cannot be checked and processed at the customer office at Ostbahnhof until 2 p.m. on the next working day after the ticket inspection.
Subscription customers of the S-Bahn Berlin can also present their ticket at any other customer centre of the S-Bahn Berlin within the above-mentioned time limit.
Please understand that, in certain cases, we might still require you to present the original ticket at our customer office.
What happens if I miss the payment deadline?
If the payment deadline is not met, the collection process will be initiated by Riverty Back in Flow. This company will send out reminders, which will cause costs. As a precaution, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that any additional costs incurred will be borne by you. From this point on, S-Bahn Berlin can no longer regulate the process.
Please check again in the portal whether you still have the option to pay. If this is no longer the case, please contact Riverty Back in Flow immediately. The sooner you get in touch, the lower the follow-up costs!
During the check, a technical defect was detected in my subscription chip card. What are my next steps?
During a control, your VBB-fahrCard (chip card) was not readable, which meant that the validity could not be checked on the spot. Therefore it is necessary to prove the validity of your VBB-fahrCard within seven days after receipt of the ticket inspector's handout. If you cannot meet the 7-day deadline, please arrange an extension of the deadline. As a precaution, we have to point out that €60 will be due in case of non-observance or expiry of the deadline.
To prove the validity of your VBB-fahrCard, please proceed as follows:
- Present your unreadable VBB-fahrCard to the transport company with which you have concluded your subscription contract. Holders of personal VBB-fahrCards (with printed photo) please additionally submit a new passport photo. If a valid subscription contract exists, you will receive a new VBB-fahrCard and a confirmation of your subscription. Your contracting transport company will be happy to answer any further questions regarding the procedure and contact details.
- Afterwards, please upload a photo or scan of the new VBB-fahrCard as well as the confirmation of the contracting transport company here for final verification. Alternatively, you can present the documents in person at the increased fare charge customer office or customer centre at Ostbahnhof. As soon as we receive the new VBB-fahrCard with the confirmation of your subscription in due time, this process for the increased fare charge is completed for you. If the technical defect is due to an error on the part of the transport company, no costs will be charged.
- Subscription customers of the S-Bahn Berlin have the option to complete the entire process (checking the card, reissuing it if necessary and waiving the increased fare charge) at the customer centre at Ostbahnhof (main hall on the ground floor). We also offer you the option to call the S-Bahn's customer dialogue for clarification.
If you were not in possession of a valid subscription ticket at the time of the ticket inspection or if the deadline for proving your VBB-fahrCard has passed, please pay the €60, quoting the transaction number, within 14 days of the inspection date. Further information on payment options can be found here.
If you fail to pay the €60 by the deadline, Riverty Back in Flow may initiate debt collection proceedings against you. You will then have to bear the costs incurred.
Where can I go if I have a request or an objection about my increased fare charge?
In this case, you are in the right place. Use the online option to tell us about your request.
We will process the request as soon as possible. If you contact us after the 14-day deadline, your request will be answered directly by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow.
Our individual decisions are based on the tariff of the public-transport authority for Berlin and Brandenburg (VBB).
You can also come in person. To do so, visit our service points at Ostbahnhof (service counter in the S-Bahn customer centre and the customer office for increased fare charges). Our direct customer service staff also base their decisions on the VBB tariff system.
You can also still contact us by post or fax:
S-Bahn Berlin GmbH/EBE
Postfach 2253
76492 Baden-Baden
Fax: +49 (0) 30 297-37155
I forgot to enter the number of my berlinpass on my Berlin Ticket S - can the transaction still be reduced to €7?
Unfortunately, the VBB tariff is clear on this: to prevent the use of a ticket by more than one person, the ticket must be personalised before the journey begins. Unfortunately, we cannot make any reduction. Consequently, you have to pay the full €60.
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, additional costs will be claimed by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow.
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at Ostbahnhof.
I accidentally travelled to the C-area with an AB-ticket - is there anything I can do?
Unfortunately, in this case the VBB tariff is clear: a spatially invalid ticket remains invalid, even if you have not travelled into the C-area in bad faith or if you done so unknowingly. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a reduction. Consequently, you will have to pay the full €60.
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, additional costs will be claimed by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow.
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at Ostbahnhof.
I buy my monthly ticket every month from the machine or at the counter - can I hand it in later?
Unfortunately, according to the VBB tariff, non-personalised monthly tickets are excluded from belated presentation. We therefore advise you to buy a subscription ticket - it is not only cheaper, but also protects you from having to pay the full increased fare charge if you should ever forget your wallet at home.
Unfortunately, we cannot make any reduction here. You will therefore have to pay the full €60.
Please understand that after the payment period of 14 days has expired, additional costs will be claimed by our payment service provider Riverty Back in Flow
You are also welcome to arrange a deadline extension or payment by instalments. To do so, log in here, call our customer dialogue (+49 (0)30 297 43686) or visit us at Ostbahnhof.
During a ticket inspection, it was discovered that I did not have a valid ticket - am I now at risk of civil or criminal consequences?
We can reassure you - if you have been found once without a valid ticket, this will only result in €60 being claimed, which we are entitled to under civil law.
In general, however, the following applies: anyone who uses local public transport without a valid ticket is liable to prosecution for obtaining benefits by deception under § 265a of the German Criminal Code (possible penalty: fine or imprisonment for up to one year). Criminal charges are regularly linked to a criminal complaint by the transport company, which we make use of in certain cases. These include, for example, the manipulation or forgery of tickets as well as repeated train rides without a valid ticket.
Ich möchte später bezahlen?
Wenn Sie später zahlen möchten, loggen Sie sich bitte hier ein oder rufen Sie uns an: 030 297 43686. Sie können uns auch am Ostbahnhof besuchen
Ich möchte in Raten bezahlen?
Wenn Sie in Raten zahlen möchten, loggen Sie sich bitte hier ein oder rufen Sie uns an: 030 297 43686. Sie können uns auch am Ostbahnhof besuchen.
Questions and answers on revenue protection
Why does the S-Bahn Berlin practise revenue protection in the form of ticket inspections?
The S-Bahn Berlin has been commissioned by the VBB, the public-transport authority for Berlin and Brandenburg, to practise revenue protection. The basis for the commissioning is the tariff of the VBB, which the S-Bahn Berlin has included in its conditions of carriage. The tariff is a clear set of rules to which every person entering an S-Bahn must adhere.
The ticket inspections serve to protect our honest passengers. This is because a lack of revenue from passengers without a valid ticket leads to an increase in fares for all honest passengers. This is to be prevented by ticket inspections.
Why does the S-Bahn Berlin work with Riverty Back in Flow?
The S-Bahn Berlin can do one thing above all else: transport people from A to B. Collecting outstanding debts, on the other hand, is not its core business. That's why it has found a good and experienced partner. Riverty Back in Flow stands for fair solutions when things get financially complicated. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact Riverty Back in Flow immediately in the event of debt collection proceedings.
How do S-Bahn Berlin, Riverty Back in Flow and IFA work together?
The S-Bahn works with Riverty Back in Flow as an experienced payment service provider. If the increased fare charge has not been paid by the payment deadline indicated on the ticket inspector's handout, Riverty Back in Flow will accompany the settlement of the outstanding claim.
Riverty Back in Flow makes it as easy as possible for you to settle the outstanding claim - with the aim of finding a quick, simple and suitable solution for all parties involved.
Why does the IFA now appear on my debt collection letters?
Don't be surprised, the IFA is of no further relevance to you. The IFA (financial service provider for debt purchase & factoring) is just the owner of the outstanding debt. Your contact is Riverty Back in Flow, as an expert for consumer-oriented and fair debt collection.
Important information for our passengers
Increased fare charge on the road now only payable by card
Customers who are unable to present a valid ticket or any ticket at all during ticket inspections have the option of paying the increased fare charge of €60 on the train or on the platform only by Girocard (which used to be called EC card informally) or credit card.
Beware of fake inspectors!
From time to time, criminals try to pass themselves off as ticket inspectors. If you are not sure, ask to see proof of identity. Ticket inspectors must always be able to identify themselves as such. Fake ticket inspectors usually ask passengers without a valid ticket to pay the increased fare charge in cash. Do not do this!
Ticket inspectors working on behalf of the S-Bahn Berlin never ask for cash. The increased fare charge of 60 euros can only be paid by Girocard (which used to be called EC card informally) or credit card.
Discretionary decisions by ticket inspectors
The ticket inspectors do not make any decisions as to whether a passenger has intentionally or mistakenly travelled without a valid ticket, nor are they authorised to do so. Their job is exclusively to check tickets and their validity and to identify passengers who do not have a valid ticket. The VBB tariff serves as the basis for this determination.
The ticket inspectors cannot and must not make statements about possible reductions of the increased fare charge. This requires detailed examination and is only possible for the S-Bahn Berlin staff.